Sunday, December 2, 2012

5 Essential Travel Insurance Facts You Need to Know

Insurance is not most peoples' favourite subject. Not many wake up in the morning saying "Hey, I'm really looking forward to buying some insurance today!" This is as true of travel insurance as any other. But it is vital you buy it before you head off somewhere exotic. So what essential travel insurance facts do you really need to know?

Preparation is Key

How many times have you been told this? But for travel insurance, preparation is vital. You should buy your insurance as soon as you have purchased your flight or other travel tickets. Only insurance will cover these costs if you have to cancel everything even before your trip has started. So buying as soon as possible is recommended.

Don't Buy at the Airport

Far too many people buy this essential travel insurance at the airport, thereby throwing away a fortune in higher policy costs that could have been avoided by a little forward planning. Of course, prices at the airport are very high, being considered effectively as a panic purchase. Furthermore you will not have a great deal of choice so you may not get the cover you really need. Please don't leave it to the last minute.

Use a Travel Insurance Agent or Broker

This begs the question of where should you buy your insurance. There are plenty of excellent brokers and agents who will give you a great policy at excellent prices plus valuable advice thrown in for nothing. You just have to search a little. Ask your friends for recommendations as to who they have used or check the telephone directory and do some phoning around. Better still check online.

Go Online

Use the internet to do all your research and to find the very best deal as companies almost always offer lower pricing online and insurance is now very easy and quick to buy in this way. Just use one of the major search engines to refine your search. In fact, travel insurance accounts for a huge volume of online transactions today and provided you take the usual basis precautions suggested for online transactions you will be fine.

Check the Small Print

How many times have you heard this and never paid any attention. Well, as far as getting that essential travel insurance is concerned it is highly important to read everything before you pay for the policy. Knowing what you are covered for will ensure you avoid a situation where you have an accident on vacation and suddenly find yourself hugely out-of-pocket with no hope of recovering the expenses incurred.

Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   What Will Your Travel Insurance Cover?   

Baja Peninsula Road Trip Vacations

The Baja California peninsula has been known for its beautiful beaches and relaxed vacations for many years. The stunning coastline and gorgeous resorts are certainly still a huge draw for tourism. However, there are also some fascinating road trips on the Peninsula that make great vacations. Whether you want to tour historic mission sites like the San Francisco de Borja Adac Mission or you want to peruse the rolling wine country or take in the sites at the Sea of Cortes, you will want to be aware of Mexican auto insurance laws. In Mexico, when there is an accident, you must have 'proof of financial responsibility.' This can either be Mexico auto insurance from a Baja insurance policy or enough cash to cover any damages.

Even if the accident is not your fault, this law that regards Mexican insurance is still applicable to you. Insurance policies that are not Mexican auto insurance policies do not fulfill the requirements of Mexico auto insurance liability law. If you are planning a trip from the Sierra de San Pedro Mártir to the Valle de los Cirios, you will probably want to get a Baja insurance policy. Don't let your vacation be ruined by an unforeseen accident when you can get Mexican insurance online from a Baja insurance company to protect you while traveling.

Baja insurance can help you while you enjoy the gourmet dining and boutique shopping in Cabo San Lucas or in the world-famous border town of Tijuana. You can get exactly what you need in Mexican insurance online. Mexican auto insurance can also cover your motorcycle, RV, or bus on your trip to Baja. You can make sure that you are prepared for possible accidents on church trips, family vacations, or when taking community tourist groups to Mexico with Mexican insurance online.

Mexican auto insurance can prevent trouble with the authorities and large fines, not to mention a complete waste of your vacation time while you try to straighten out the problems associated with a car accident. Your Mexico auto insurance coverage gives you the proper proof of financial responsibility that can help get you on your way quickly after an accident. Your Mexican insurance online can also provide roadside assistance and other helpful services on your trip to Baja. Protect your vacation experience with Mexico auto insurance so you can enjoy the Baja California peninsula from Ensenada to Cabo San Lucas.

Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   What Will Your Travel Insurance Cover?   

Winter Sports Travel Insurance: Essential Planning For Any Winter Vacation

Winter sports travel insurance is considered to be a great way to safely prepare for a winter vacation. Regardless of the place you intend to spend your vacation, you can still expect the insurance to work suitably for your needs. Here are other tips that are capable of helping you enjoy your winter:

1. Dream List: Create a list of the different places that you intend to visit during winter. When making the list, make sure that you consider factors like your budget, logistics and the amount of time that you want to spend in there.

2. Amenities: Include in your list places that are capable of providing you the kind of amenities that you desire. If you are travelling with your kids or an elderly relative, then you also have to make sure that you look for a place that can offer activities that are suitable enough for everyone in your family. In addition, think about other comforts such as an old-fashioned fireplace or easy access to ski hills.

3. Research: Gather as much information as you can get about each of your choices. You can obtain a lot of accurate details from the tourism website in your state, travel agent, travel guide, close friends and relatives. Once have some research notes prepared, it will be easier for you to make decide what kind of winter vacation you want.

4. Activities:Make sure that you research the restaurants, hotels, nightlife, facilities, and family activities of each of your choices. It is also important for you to check out the pros and cons of your planned destinations to ensure that you are able to pick the best choice.

5. Access: Choose the most suitable place for you and start making early reservations for your flight and hotel accommodations.

6. Insurance: Look for an insurance company which is capable of providing you a good winter sports travel insurance coverage. You have to find a legitimate one to ensure that you are prepared emergencies and mishaps during your trip. If you are planning on undertaking high risk sports like snowboarding or mountain climbing, you might need extra coverage.

7. Packing List: Create a list of the items that you need to bring on your vacation. Check your list several times to ensure that you are able to bring with you everything that you and your family need.

8. Weather Forecast: During that time when your flight is already near and you are already doing some packing, you have to make sure that you constantly check out the weather forecast on the place that you are planning to visit. This will allow you and your family to have a safe travel.

9. Winter Clothing: Make sure that you pack clothing items that are not too light so as to keep you freezing during the winter season and not too much so as to give you a hard time maneuvering your things. When it comes to this, you are advised to make a plan as to the most functional clothing items for your winter vacation. In order to pack the right clothing, refer back to step 4 - what activities are you planning on during your vacation?

10. Winter Accessories: Although many winter resorts will sell winter gear, it is best to bring your own equipment from home. Suggested accessories for winter travel scarves, ear muffs, gloves, sunglasses and warm caps and hats. If you're freezing, you will not be able to enjoy yourself very much. If it has been a long time since you put on your winter coat and other accessories, try everything on before you go to make sure everything still fits and is in good condition. If it does not fit, then it is time to go shopping.

All of these tips are useful in making sure that you have a wonderful winter vacation whether you go to Aspen, Switzerland or Banff. But of all the tips, one thing that you should never forget tip number 6: get yourself and your family winter sports travel insurance. This will save you from facing all of the financial consequences that may become apparent whenever emergencies strike you.

Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   What Will Your Travel Insurance Cover?   

Travel Insurance: More Than Just a Nuisance

Travel insurance is an annoyance! Admit it, a number of you have probably groaned about getting it at one time or another. Understandably so - going on trips requires a lot of preparation in itself. You have to reserve and pay for accommodation and plane fare. There is also the added issue of having to inform your boss at the office about taking a leave of absence a few weeks in advance so he/she can delegate your tasks to colleagues or subordinates during the time you are gone, not to mention the mundane tasks of having to pack up the bags, pay all bills that might have to be paid, and getting your passports, cash, and credit cards in order.

Having to worry about this travel insurance nuisance can seem like an unnecessary burden to many in light of all the above considerations, not to mention the additional expenses that may be added to the cost of going on the trip - or it taking a large chunk of a traveller's designated travel budget, which leaves them with less money to spend on anything else. However, it is definitely nothing compared to being in a number of terrible, costly situations that travellers may end up unwillingly brushing up against during their trips abroad, let alone if they end up experiencing these problems while uninsured, such as, but not limited to, the following:

A. Accident that leads to either death or serious injury during the holiday, B. Meeting a road accident that turns out to be, in the eyes of the local authorities, your fault, C. Losing your bag, passport, credit card, and other pertinent documents, D. Being forced to cancel your whole trip or even portions of it due to an illness, E. Getting sick and needing to get confined in a hospital while abroad, F. Having your flight suddenly canceled because of an unexpected weather disturbance or mechanical problems with the plane you were supposed to ride, and G. As a result of E, having to rebook your accommodation because you could not make it in time to the place you were supposed to stay in.

In this day and age of extensive internet connectivity, it is not as hard as in the old days to get travel insurance. Sydney, Melbourne, or some random Outback town, it does not matter where you are since travel insurance is now merely a click away. With Australia being a nation of travellers, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of companies willing to provide you coverage. Most legitimate travel insurance firms' sites are able to provide you with quotes, list down a full range of packages and what it can cover, and terms and conditions of coverage (which vary by company). However, many may not provide the kind of coverage you may need, so it is necessary to have to do some annoying, time-consuming research in order to find the right insurance company for you before paying and hopping on that plane out of the country.

While it is true that many people end up not needing to use it, if you by some misfortune brush up against some kind of trouble during your trip, at least you can have a little bit more peace of mind in dealing with the situation at hand. So Australia, please do not forget about the annoying travel insurance - you may never know when you may need that. Besides, it may be your best mate during those unfortunate times of stress while abroad.

Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   What Will Your Travel Insurance Cover?   

TATA AIG Travel Insurance for Travelers Going Overseas

In many corporate companies, the employees would be under great work pressure and would like to rejuvenate. Quite often these people would like to spend their free time on a holiday by travelling to foreign countries. They can explore the rich and sophisticated life while spending some time abroad. A person can improve his knowledge about different people, places, cultures... Overall travelling is an important factor which helps a person build global learning and knowledge. While on a trip there are situations like an unforeseen medical emergency that people might come across which might ruin their exciting journey.

While on a trip along with a traveller's passport, other possessions and luggage, an important and right kind of overseas travel medical insurance is also essential. Travelling abroad without overseas travel health insurance could land a person in a financial disaster. Most people think they are covered if they already have existing domestic health insurance, but this is not true. Overseas travel insurance is very much required and covers while the travellers is outside the home country. Also if the travellers are in a foreign country, some hospitals might admit them without caring about coverage but later they will not discharge them until the travelers pay a huge sum of money for the treatment.

There are many insurance companies, each of them providing different insurance plans. The travel and medical needs while abroad varies from one traveler to another. Based on these needs, a traveler can choose among the different plans provided by different companies. TATA AIG is one of the most popular insurance companies which provide overseas travel insurance for people travelling abroad. The plans designed by this company available with effective medical coverage and reasonable premium cost.

TATA AIG insurance company has designed different travel insurance plans which can satisfy the different needs or requirements of the traveller. The travellers who are going abroad can choose from Asia Guard insurance, Travel Guard insurance and Annual Multi Trip insurance plans. Asia Guard insurance can be selected by travellers who are visiting the Asian countries. Annual Multi Trip is suitable for travellers travelling overseas multiple times during a year. TATA AIG overseas travel insurance plans provides benefits like Coverage of Accident & Sickness Medical Expenses, checked baggage loss, baggage delay, loss of passport, personal liability, hijacking, trip delay, personal accident, etc. The maximum coverage benefit is up to $50,000 (Silver plan), $2,00,000 (Gold plan)or $5,00,000(Platinum plan).

Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   

Travel Website Insurance: Go Places With Insurance

There are annual policies which allow one to take any number of trips for the year to any destination on the globe. Then you have the family cover, which enables the kids in the family to travel free of cost. This policy is popular with family tours. A backpacker travel insurance policy, which provides you high coverage, is normally meant for extended period of travel - it includes at least one visit back to your home country.

Travel insurance websites have plenty of visitors. At times, over 6 million page visitors are there in a calendar year. These websites are so popular and widely used that an annual award called the Travolution Awards are given to the companies with the best performance, functionality, clarity of products and more crucially, for the credibility of services. These are the key ingredients that make a company worth visiting.

Companies work hard to ensure that their sites are visited time and again. They also make sure that the sites are user-friendly, easily accessible, and clear-cut to the last detail. Some sites have even branched out with medical screening system; others provide help care centers and personalized my account sections in order to make it easy, smooth and useful for their customers. Time and again companies find that their websites and services are good and that is why customers are happy and keep returning to them to avail of their services, for even things like airport parking and airport hotels with them.

Air Trips and Coverage

Air trips have the widest coverage of insurance policies. They are children's travel insurance, pregnancy travel insurance, group and superior travel insurance, sports travel, research travel, long stay and even gap year travel insurance.

What is Travel Discount?

Travel insurance companies in order to garner more customers offer all kinds of bonuses and benefits. Attractive schemes and offer plans are always on the agenda of any travel agency; discounts being one of them. Some companies provide a 5% off if the customer books 3 or more tours. When one purchases in bulk, it turns out to be a wise and thrifty way to adventure tours. Three or more gap tours can result in a 5% off each trip. This can save you a lot of cash. It can stretch your budget a little further with the extra savings. Discounts must be availed of when one books one's tours.

What Is Tourism Network?

Tourism Network is fast developing and expanding. Some of the tourist network enterprises offer one home stays, farm stays, guest houses, hotels and resorts. More and more travel operators are focusing on the segment of accommodation. Tourism network is an integrated system that helps aggregating all budget options. So it is advisable to make plans and avail of the facilities that are offered.

Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   What Will Your Travel Insurance Cover?   What Does Travel Health Insurance Cover?   

Terminal Illness Travel Insurance

If you or someone else has a terminal illness, you've probably found that it can be extremely difficult to obtain a travel insurance policy that will meet a claim related to the insured's illness.

This can be frustrating, especially if the person who's been given the terminal prognosis would very much like to travel while they still have the possibility. Many people have friends or relatives abroad, whom they would like to see again and who would like to see them.

Many people feel that it's beneficial for someone with a terminal illness to get away from their usual environment, where they are constantly reminded of their illness. By travelling and being in a totally different place, it enables many people's focus to shift (at least for periods of time) away from their health/medical situation and onto the people or place they're visiting.

So, hoping to plan a trip for someone with a terminal illness and then discovering that it's difficult to obtain travel insurance can be incredibly frustrating. After all, few people would wish to travel without insurance, especially when someone has a serious and life-threatening condition. Medical bills can easily mount up: consultations, medication, treatment, hospital stays. Understandably, people want to have some kind of assurance that if the worst came to the worst, an insurance company would be there to pick up the bill.

But how is a terminal illness defined? In our experience, there is no one, clear definition. Generally, someone is regarded as having a terminal prognosis if there is no further treatment available that will cure or control their medical condition and that it wouldn't be unexpected if they were to die within six months. Clearly, this definition may vary from one person to another and we would advise discussing the matter in detail with the medical professionals involved.

So why is it so difficult to get travel insurance for someone with a terminal illness?

Well, from an insurer's point of view, they price their travel insurance policy according to the level of risk they're covering and their experience of claims.

If the amount of money in the 'pot' from premiums collected isn't enough to meet all the claims, an insurer is likely to stop selling the insurance policy, which is bad news for everyone.

The more serious or complex a medical condition someone has, the more chance there is of a claim being made and that the claim will be high. Most insurers don't want to risk insuring someone with a terminal illness. There is always the risk that someone will need to go into hospital and the danger is that then they will be regarded as too ill to travel back to the UK. This means their stay in hospital could be extended. Not only would their medical expenses have to be met by the insurer but also accommodation and any extra travelling costs incurred by a travelling companion.

If the person is well enough to return to the UK, it may be necessary that they be accompanied by a qualified nurse or doctor on a schedule airline. Or it may be that an air ambulance is required. The cost of providing this service (especially the latter) would run into many thousands of pounds.

The insurer has a number of choices:

Raise all the premiums for everyone so that the amount of money in the 'pot' is always sufficiently large to meet potentially very large claims from customers with terminal illness; Keep the general level of premiums at a reasonably low level but then charge higher premiums on a scale commensurate with the seriousness of the medical condition(s) being insured, including offering cover for people with a terminal illness; As the point immediately above but not offer cover for terminal illnesses; A mixture of the the above

Insurers generally won't want to raise their premiums too much for everyone because they would then become uncompetitive and customers could feel that they were being charged too much.

The reality is that most insurers simply prefer not to offer insurance to people who have a terminal illness because they consider that to do so would be too risky.

However, it is possible to find specialist insurers who will provide a quotation for travel insurance that will cover claims related to the terminally ill person's medical condition(s). Because of the risks involved in providing this kind of insurance (as we have already explained) you must expect the premium to be much higher. It could take only a very few large claims for the insurance company to decide that the risk was too great and to stop quoting for such situations.

It is possible that even for a specialist insurer, someone's situation may be regarded as too great risk and cover not to be offered.

We hope this article has provided an explanation of how insurance companies come to their decision about which situations they can cover and the issues involved.

Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   What Will Your Travel Insurance Cover?   

Risky Business: Are Your Employees Covered Abroad?

Egypt. Jordan. Bahrain. Recent headlines tell the tales of political unrest and hazardous situations around the world. For multinational companies, insuring employees against the risks of doing global business should not be overlooked. As multinational corporations expand into markets outside the US-markets that may have been recently added to the US State Department's travel warning list-and as more and more countries strain under the tensions of wartime, economic uncertainties and government upheaval, the amount of human resources in adverse or volatile locations has also increased. Human resources directors for multinational companies must now prepare a responsible benefits package to protect its personnel against a unique set of risks.

War and Terrorism (W&T) The W&T exclusion you'll find in most global benefit plans is usually reserved for employees or contractors traveling or conducting business in a traditionally hostile zone. Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan and many other OFAC countries for which either the Department of Treasury or the US State Department have issued a travel warning come to mind. Recently, however, historically passive countries like Spain, India and Ireland have seen a rise in acts of terrorism.

In fact, the list of countries or regions falling victim to terrorism and the sheer number of terrorist attacks is growing at an alarming rate. In 2008 alone, a US State Department report documented 11,770 terrorist attacks worldwide with 54,747 people killed, injured or kidnapped. Sadly, as US and international corporations expand into new global markets, the number of these incidents appears to increase.

Because terrorism can no longer be considered a problem in a few geographic locations-it is becoming a worldwide risk factor-the need for human resources and benefits managers to adequately protect against possible losses due to terrorism has become a critical matter. Some insurance carriers have tried to mitigate this risk with a W&T rider to the entire company's group policy.

For most companies who have a relatively small percentage of their personnel traveling abroad, a rider of this scope is too expansive and costly. Furthermore, these types of riders still impose aggregate limitations as well country restrictions. The smarter choice for companies doing international business is a carve-out of only those employees doing business abroad. This allows for sufficient coverage without incurring the higher premium involved with covering the entire company-the majority of which are not exposed to the risk.

W&T Carve-Out for Key Personnel The employee or contractor exposed to the W&T risk is often times a highly compensated executive, principal or owner. Protection for these key personnel is usually addressed in the well-written benefits plan, but their coverage may come up short because of policy maximums or W&T exclusion. Many life insurance policies, including Key Man policies, are progressively rated based on past, current and future travel destinations. It is usually more cost beneficial to carve-out and issue a W&T policy for these key staff members on a per trip or assignment basis.

Will Defense Base Act (DBA) insurance sufficiently alleviate the W&T risk? Simply put: no. This legislated insurance requires companies to extend coverage to acts of war and terrorism and provide injury and death benefits up to 200 percent of the national average weekly wage or 200 percent of the employee's full average weekly wage, whichever is smaller. The problem with DBA insurance, and why it won't work to protect your key personnel, is that the injury and death benefits are far too low. At just two times the insured's weekly salary, DBA insurance leaves your key personnel dangerously underinsured. Financial advisers recommend a policy, or policies, whose benefits pay seven to ten times the insured's annual salary. Since most employees don't carry an individual policy to provide this level of benefit, relying on DBA insurance alone will not properly protect your employees for loss of life or injury.

International Disability In 2007, the Social Security Administration reported that 70 percent of the private sector workforce had no long-term disability insurance. Further compounding the problems for under- or uninsured personnel, in the event of a W&T-caused injury there is limited coverage-usually a lump sum payout-for long-term disability. So workers affected by a disabling injury, even with DBA coverage, will most likely fall short if the disability is long-term. With highly compensated executive or key staff members at risk the problem increases significantly, but a carve-out solution to protect these key personnel in the case of W&T-caused injury proves again to be quite beneficial.

Kidnap and Ransom (K&R) Lastly, K&R policies are among the least understood policies for human resources and benefits managers. Since K&R incidents are often kept private as a safety precaution, the insurance industry has limited data about the actual risk of these occurrences. The likelihood of incident may very well be low, but a K&R scenario could prove tremendously expensive should it happen. While some countries pose more of a risk than others, for many traveling executives this is a real threat wherever they may go. These policies are designed to reimburse the policy owner for all expenses incurred with a kidnap for extortion.

Specialized Solutions for International Workers As we've just outlined, employees working abroad carry a unique set of risks that are sometimes underestimated and rarely anticipated. DBA insurance is not an adequate solution-especially for key personnel or those at risk for long-term disability-W&T riders applied to an entire group plan are unnecessarily costly, and with terrorist activity on the rise the need for specialized policies like K&R is becoming an alarming reality.

As more and more companies send their workers into the global market, human resources and benefits managers will need to procure a variety of specialty insurance plans. Enlisting the help of insurance providers specializing in W&T, international disability and K&R insurance will ensure the right coverage for their specific needs. Furthermore, creating carve-out policies for key personnel and staff working overseas will keep premiums low for the company as a whole, while providing the protection international workers deserve.

Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   

Cholamandalam Travel Insurance Plans

Indians are traveling like never before. Be it for leisure, business, further education or more, there is an estimated increase of 20% traffic traveling overseas every year. And a study shows that 80% of the travelers like to buy travel insurance policies online to ensure they are leaving their baggage of worries at home while they travel overseas.

There are many insurance companies offering travel related insurance plans. Cholamandalam is one of the reliable service providers. Although most of the benefits arising out of Chola Travel Insurance are the same as others viz Medical Treatment, Repatriation of Remains, Dental Treatment, Checked Baggage Loss, Checked Baggage Delay, Passport Loss, Personal Liability, Hijack Relief Benefit, Hospital Daily Cash, Financial Emergency, Trip Cancellation, Trip Curtailment, Trip Delay, International Driving License Loss, Home Burglary, etc. However what sets Chola apart from others is:

Door-to-door Cover - which means that your travel insurance starts the moment you leave your home for airport and ends when you return home from airport. Also, it covers Personal Accident both overseas and domestic during your insurance period. Extensive network of hospitals and service providers all over the world. Age Limit of family members starts from 3 months upto 80 years. No medical checkups are required for family members upto 65 years of age. Pre-existing conditions are covered under life-saving unforeseen emergencies. Cholamandalam provides cover for any eventuality arising from a pre-existing condition. Tie-up with I-SOS (the world-renowned International SOS) for Claims Processing and Assistance Services.

Besides the above listed benefits you get Toll-free phone numbers to contact the service provider from most frequently visited countries. The claims are settled fairly in a quick fashion. You just need to keep a copy of all the bills so that you can substantiate your claims and get timely reimbursement.

Cholamandalam insurance can be bought online without any paperwork. You can compare the insurance plan with other brands and can get a quote immediately. You can also speak to insurance agents on the phone to get complete information on the plan that you are interested in. Whenever buying an overseas travel insurance always remember to see what all is excluded and get complete clarity so that you know what you are paying for, what all it covers, what are its benefits and be sure if it's worth your hard earned money or not.

Last but not the least, do not just buy any insurance plan for your travel, which is cheap because you might have to shell money out of your pocket in the event of any unforeseen emergency which might not be covered under the cheap insurance plan. A few rupees more might just give you a complete peace of mind while you explore the other world. So travel, but with a good travel insurance plan in your backpack!

Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   

How to Find Best Cheap Travel Insurance

Once you decide it is time for you to take the long awaited vacation you have earned, you should immediately start looking for the best cheap travel insurance available prior to taking the trip. Before you get involved in all the planning required, you should really get down with your travel agent and discuss the different insurance policies his company offers. Depending upon your budget, it is feasible to choose the best cheap insurance policy that suits your needs. Travel insurances involve coverage for:

— Protection during the trip. All activities or events that might change the original plans such as cancellation of flight etc. come under this protection.

— Medical: Being in a place so far from home can be a disaster if you fall sick. Having your travel insurance cover your medical bills during the vacation is very necessary.

— In case of loss or delay: Owing to mix ups airline companies at times lose your travels bags which may contain all or most of your money. In such instances travel insurance steps up. Or if your flight gets delayed and you find yourself out of cash you can contact the insurance agency.

Buying the best cheap travel insurance requires some farsightedness. You should think about all the things that could go wrong with you and get the package that offers financial coverage for most if not all those instances. If you're traveling with your entire family, there are more reasons for you to get insurance.

Since nobody knows what might happen it is always a good idea to be prepared for the worst. Having the best cheap travel insurance along on your journey lets you enjoy your vacation peacefully without worrying about your finances.

Things to keep in mind when choosing a travel insurance company:

— A traveling agent is not the only one who provides the insurance. Some very good deals are offered by companies catering only to the needs of travelers.

— A cheap deal may not always be the best. While it may save your money upfront, it might cost you more in the long run. Some cheap deals do not offer coverage for important things like loss of baggage or medical health during vacation.

— Many good insurance agencies are available online offering some really good bargains.

— You also need to be frank with the insurance agents about things they will not cover since that could put you in a very difficult position later on.

The entire point of taking a vacation is to relax and enjoy. Having a travel insurance ensure you do just that without worrying about anything at all.

Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   

Reasons Why You Should Consider Travel Insurance

Every year millions of Americans hit the road and skies towards their favorite destination. While planning a trip, whether the destination be the tropical paradise of the Caribbean, or the romantic canals of Venice, Italy, many people wonder if travel insurance might be a good idea for their vacation.

Travel insurance is an insurance that will protect a traveler if something such as illness or a volcanic eruption would cause a delay going to or from the destination. Some policies can also protect a traveler who is a victim of crime or has problems that would otherwise lead them to be stranded at their destination. Plans can vary in cost and terms on which it covers. Some of the more elaborate plans can cost a fair amount and cover just about everything one could think of. The majority of plans, however, typically cost pennies on the dollar with the overall price of the vacation - and the price is more often than not cheaper than it would be if something had gone wrong and the traveler had to pay the full price of a plane ticket to get home after the first was cancelled due to a hurricane.

There are many situations where travel insurance is a great investment. It is recommended to get travel insurance if the trip is particularly long or if the trip is during a season where the weather is particularly rough anywhere between the destination and origin where delay or cancellation could be very high. Some travel insurance plans offer options where you get refunded for portions of your stay if it rains at the location, these plans are mostly common for tropical destinations like the Caribbean.

Lengthy vacations, especially those who travel abroad, are recommended to have travel insurance simply because those who take them are most at risk for having problems. On lengthy trips it is highly likely there will be a period of time where illness can occur, or the traveler finds that they have to get home before they had previously planned because of an emergency. Travel insurance can cover most of these situations depending on the plan.

Many travelers who take a vacation go without a single problem. Those who do have the problems are often very glad they have travel insurance or have a lot of regret for not making the purchase. Even if a traveler's dream vacation goes flawless it is very unlikely that they would regret spending the money for the peace of mind that travel insurance had brought them while they enjoyed their dream vacation.

Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   What Will Your Travel Insurance Cover?   Travel Insurance - Avoid Becoming a Statistic   

The Importance of Insurance While Visiting the US

The United States is probably one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. Thousands of tourists from foreign countries visit the United States to see well-known national landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty in New York City and the White House in Washington, DC. They come to bask in the sun on the islands of Hawaii, cruise around Alaska, enjoy the sound of jazz in New Orleans, Louisiana, and walk the same streets as world famous A-list celebrities in Hollywood, California.

The United States is very welcoming of foreign tourists, and there are specific places centered around different nations. For instance, you can find Little Italy in more than one state. In Little Italy in Baltimore, Maryland, Italian festivals are hosted throughout the summer season and you could even participate in a bocce tournament. There is also Little Italy in New York City and San Diego, California. Also in California, you could find Little Manila in various cities, as California has the largest population of Filipinos in the United States. If you do some research, you could find there is a "Little" of many different cultures around America. So, if you are visiting the United States and feel homesick, if you are near a community based on your cultural background, you are sure to find a place that will make you feel right at home.

Most travelers are well prepared for a visit to the United States, but not many are aware of the importance of purchasing insurance prior to their visit to the melting pot of the world. Not only do they not realize the importance, but they also might not be knowledgeable of this type of insurance. Did you know that your current health insurance from your home country is not valid in foreign countries? Did you know that a travelers insurance policy could actually cover MORE than medical expenses?

The fact of the matter is, travelers insurance is not only beneficial; but actually quite necessary. While you are in the United States, it is possible that you or a family member could become sick or injured. It is your visitor health insurance that allows you to seek medical care if necessary, without having to spend the funds you had set aside for your vacation. If you are uninsured while in the United States, you are responsible for the entire cost of any necessary medical bills. With healthcare costs quite high, you can see why visitors insurance is so necessary. However, it is also quite beneficial even aside from medical expenses! Depending on the coverage that you choose, your USA visitor health insurance could have coverage for prescription drugs, accidental death, dental expense, and even lost baggage.

Obtaining insurance for a trip away from your home country is not difficult, nor does it have to be expensive. Travelers can obtain coverage for as little as five days and up to three years. To find the most suitable insurance policy, a traveler need only search online and get quotes for USA visitor health insurance. When obtaining quotes, you can customize your coverage and your premiums by choosing how much coverage you need and how high you would like your deductible to be. Typically, the higher your deductible, the lower your premiums. With the right coverage, you can travel with true peace of mind!

Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   What Will Your Travel Insurance Cover?   

Enjoy Peace of Mind on Your Next Trip With Travel Insurance

While all of us hope not to experience any problems when traveling, the truth is that we can never be sure of what exactly will happen when traveling. However, carrying travel insurance can take the stress out of traveling and give you real peace of mind. This article will examine some of the enormous benefits of having travel insurance in case of a flight cancellation or a medical emergency.

Trip/ Flight Cancellations

At times, as we are enjoying a trip, a true emergency arises and we need to go home as soon as possible. Making flight changes without insurance can be extremely costly. Travel insurance covers the expenses incurred in such a case.

What about arriving late to the airport on your return trip? If you don't have it, you may be paying high fines and be forced to wait hours or even days to reschedule your flight. But, if you were wise enough to buy it beforehand, your insurance company will often cover the costs of rescheduling your flight and any hotel stays that may be required. You can look at it as a simple extension of your vacation, instead of a big inconvenience and added expense.

In case of an act of nature causing a flight cancellation, you'll likely be covered for hotel costs and even for food costs.

Medical Emergencies

If case of an accident, much of the medical expenses incurred are covered through travel insurance. If travelers need to visit a doctor and get a prescription, this may be covered depending on the insurance plan. The majority of these policies will cover transportation to the hospital, such as in an ambulance in case of a severe emergency. As the cost of medical care is constantly on the rise, you can feel relieved knowing that your hospital bills will be covered.

When you are once again in good health and can travel back to your home country, the cost of the journey will be covered. In the sad event of a death overseas, the remains of the insured will be sent home as part of the coverage in the policy. This can give you peace of mind to know that your family wouldn't be left with large medical bills in case of such an unfortunate event.

Personal Baggage Coverage

How disappointing it can be to arrive home and realize that something was stolen out of your suitcase during your trip! Again, travel insurance can come to your rescue in providing compensation for any stolen or lost items.

Rental Car Insurance

Some travel insurance companies even take care of any damages that may be incurred when using a rental car. This also covers theft, as well as any medical costs to a third party in case the insured is responsible for the accident.

Given all of the benefits that can be gained with buying travel insurance, don't you think it's worth paying a little extra to have peace of mind on your next vacation?

Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   What Will Your Travel Insurance Cover?   What Does Travel Health Insurance Cover?   

Bajaj Allianz Travel Insurance

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. You have taken the first step towards your journey by deciding which sphere of the world you want to explore this time to cherish those moments in the years to come. However, the second and most important step is to plan the journey safely and ensure the security of yourself and your loved ones against any uncertain situations. That's what Bajaj Allianz travel insurance believes in - Jiyo Befiqar i.e. to live life Kingsize without any tensions creeping in your mind and boggling you especially when you travel and spare your time and money discovering the undiscovered.

Bajaj Allianz travel insurance plans cover basic and advanced travel insurance needs through its companion (basic cover) and elite (advanced covers). For corporate travels one can choose from corporate lite and corporate plus. For your parents, you can select senior citizen travel insurance in which age group of 71-79 is covered without submitting any medical reports etc. If you are planning your vacation somewhere in Asia (except Japan), then you can choose Travel Asia Insurance which is quite affordable as compared to other brands. Unforeseen situations like loss of checked baggage, loss of passport, delay of checked baggage, trip cancellation, trip curtailment, hijack, acts of war and terrorism, hospitalisation, etc are guarded by all Bajaj Allianz plans.

You can buy Bajaj Allianz plans online and compare the benefits arising out of these plans to decide on the plan which is affordable for your pocket and covers your insurance needs. That's not all, once you decide on the Insurance plan, you can get a quote online within a click of a button. You can also contact 24X7 customer support which answers all your queries and explains these Insurance plans in detail. You have the option to make the payment via a Credit card, debit card or a cheque. Once the payment is realized, policy documents are first emailed to you and then sent to your Indian postal address. Also, customer support is available while you are travelling and can also extend help in situations like extension of trip, etc where you can pay a small sum to extend your current travel insurance policy rather than paying for a whole new insurance policy. So, get your travelling boots ready and jet set go! But remember, Travel Safe and as they say Jiyo Befiqar!

Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   What Will Your Travel Insurance Cover?   

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